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Risk Prevention & Consulting

Les pickpockets chiliens pris la main dans le sac

C’est un gang de voleurs expérimentés, venus d’Amérique du Sud, que viennent de démanteler les enquêteurs de la brigade de répression du banditisme (BRB).

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Video: Här kör rånarna rakt in i Hallunda centrum söder om Stockholm

På videobilder som Fria Tider fått ta del av från polisen syns hur hänsynslösa rånare kör rakt in genom dörrarna till Hallunda centrum söder om Stockholm vid halv elva-tiden på dagen den 9 mars i år.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Polizei vereitelt Raub auf Dornbirner Juwelier

Duo aus Montenegro bereitete bewaffneten Überfall auf Dornbirner Juwelier vor.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Halifax jewellers raid gang jailed for 60 years

A gang of armed robbers who targeted jewellers across the country were foiled when police swooped on them as they prepared to raid a shop in Halifax.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Gang of seven sentenced for high-value theft spree

A gang which targeted jewellery and camera shops in a string of raids across four counties has been jailed. Seven men from Hampshire stole goods worth £220,000 in a 10-week spree between October and December 2014.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Trio hunted after £14,000 watch theft

Police are appealing for information after a £14,000 watch was stolen from a jewellers. Officers were called at around 3.30pm on Wednesday …

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Gang that used girl, 12, in Hong Kong diamond heist arrested in mainland China

HK$36m necklace was grabbed from Tsim Sha Tsui store by 12-year-old girl as staff were distracted by adult accomplices…

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Assalto al centro commerciale Conforama

Un colpo da alcune decine di migliaia di euro è stato messo a segno la scorsa notte da una banda di malviventi, estremamente organizzata, ai danni della gioielleria “Follie d’oro”, situata nella galleria del centro commerciale Conforama di Fasano, sulla strada statale 16.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Lecce, colpo da 130mila euro in gioielleria: il proprietario si candidò con Salvini in Regione

Banda in azione nella notte di Pasquetta con una Mercedes classe E: erano in quattro, ripresi dalle telecamere di sorveglianza. Il negozio è una rivendita Rolex con pezzi di grande valore…

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Brindisi: furto con spaccata nella notte nella gioielleria Renna

Furto con spaccata nella notte ai danni della gioielleria Renna in via Numa Pompilio, al rione Commenda. Pare che ad agire siano stati in quattro, con il volto coperto da passamontagna. 

Sicherheitsexperte reagiert auf Juwelier Einbrüche! - bescheuert bis tragisch:
Einbruch-fails: Sicherheitsexperte reagiert auf Diamantenraub