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Risk Prevention & Consulting

Operazione “Pioggia Battente”: tre arresti per la “rapina di capodanno”

I militari del NORM della Compagnia di Cassino, a conclusione di complesse ed articolate indagini coordinate dalla Procura della Repubblica di Cassino, condotte nell’ambito dell’operazione convenzionalmente denominata “Pioggia Battente”, in pregiudizio di un sodalizio di rapinatori campani, hanno arrestato,

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Milano, spaccata in Montenapo con asce e bastoni: bloccato un bandito che tentava la fuga

Un gruppo di sei o sette uomini ha sfasciato alcune vetrine della gioielleria Pisa tra via Verri e Montenapoleone. La polizia è riuscita a bloccare uno dei banditi mentre fuggiva in bici. Nella banda ci sarebbe una donna

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Juwelier is er klaar mee

Hij had graag nog langer doorgegaan met zijn juwelierszaak, maar bij de gewelddadige overval in april 2011 raakte Jos Kamerbeek invalide. …

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Verona, si fingono marito e moglie e distraggono l’orefice, altri due entrano e svuotano le vetrine

„Sgominata una banda specializzata negli assalti alle gioiellerie. Ne avevano messo a segno due tra Riva del Garda e Malcesine. Ma erano „trasfertisti“: si muovevano da Reggio Emilia verso il profondo Nord. 4 arrestati tra cui lo zio col nipote“

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Furti e rapine, in trappola la banda di sassaresi…

Risk Prevention & Consulting

£25,000 reward following £1.5 million Belgravia jewellery heist

A £25,000 reward is being offered to anybody who has information about a £1.5 million jewellery burglary in Belgravia….

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Machine-gun toting robbers pull off daring jewel heist in broad daylight in Manhattan’s ‚diamond district‘

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Watch: Dramatic footage of Yarm jewellery store raiders leaving scene in getaway car

Detectives investigating an armed robbery that took place at Market Cross Jewellers on Yarm High Street have released footage taken on a mobile phone of the robbers leaving the store in a silver Audi….

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Sydney youths involved in bungled Louis Vuitton robbery avoid jail

Two youths who took part in a bungled „glam raid“ robbery at Sydney’s Louis Vuitton store last year have avoided jail, with a judge finding they acted under the influence of a hardened member of the organised crime group Brothers for Life…

Risk Prevention & Consulting

$2.5 million robbery at jewellery store

Armed gunmen held up and robbed a jeweller of approximately $2.5 million worth of jewellery from his store close to the Supreme Court in downtown Kingston on Thursday...

Sicherheitsexperte reagiert auf Juwelier Einbrüche! - bescheuert bis tragisch:
Einbruch-fails: Sicherheitsexperte reagiert auf Diamantenraub