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Risk Prevention & Consulting

Dramatic moment ‘hero’ calmly takes off his jacket and wrestles jewellery store thief to the ground while out shopping for a ring with his fiancée

A shopper has been praised for his courageous actions after he was captured on video tackling a thief during a botched jewellery store robbery. CCTV footage hailed as ‘amazing’ by the shop’s owners shows Andy Fiddler, 52, tearing off his jacket in preparation before tackling the man during the raid at DJM Goldsmiths in Preston, Lancashire.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Police release CCTV images of murder suspect wearing a BURKA before jewellery shop owner was kidnapped and killed

Police have released images of a murder suspect who was caught on CCTV wearing a full-body burka and wheeling a shopping trolley. The grainy pictures show a person pulling a trolley into Vama Collections on Belgrave Road in Leicester just minutes after Mr Jogiya had locked up for the night and left.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Piraten der Karibik: Europa und die USA profitieren von Edelmetallschmuggel aus Venezuela

Die niederländischen Karibikinseln sind Umschlagplatz für massenhaft geraubte Edelmetalle. Venezuela hat alle Handelsbeziehungen zu den Inseln Aruba, Curacao und Bonaire unterbrochen. Auch der Flug- und Schiffsverkehr zu den Nachbarn ist gestoppt.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Interpol poszukiwał 25-latka za napad na jubilera na Cyprze. Mężczyzna wpadł podczas kontroli w Świecku

W niedzielę 21 stycznia funkcjonariusze SG w autokarze wjeżdżającym do Polski z Niemiec, wylegitymowali 25-letniego mieszkańca Dolnego Śląska. Podczas kontroli mężczyzna stwierdził, że nie posiada przy sobie żadnych dokumentów. Po ustaleniu jego tożsamości okazało się, że Interpol wystawił za mężczyzną tzw. czerwoną notę, która jest informacją dla służb, że poszukiwany jest bardzo niebezpiecznym przestępcą. 

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Forsøk på gullsmed­tyveri i Flekkefjord

Rundt halv seks mandag morgen fikk politiet i Agder en melding om at noen skal ha forsøkt å bryte seg inn i en gullsmed i Flekkefjord. På Twitter skriver de at de er på stedet.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Rapina in via Dalmazia, Confcommercio chiede più sicurezza per le gioiellerie

L’ultimo, venerdì 19 Gennaio, ha avuto come vittima la Gioielleria Ceccarelli di Via Dalmazia a Pistoia, dove i malviventi hanno smontato il sistema di videosorveglianza, minacciando e immobilizzando i proprietari.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Firenze, clamoroso furto con spaccata in gioielleria / FOTO / VIDEO

Partiamo dalle immagini. Da quelle delle telecamere che riprendono tre uomini che sradicano altri e tanti tombini e iniziano a colpire con violenza la vetrina della gioielleria di via del Ponte di Mezzo. 

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Minutter senere forsvinner tyven med klokker for flere hundre tusen kroner

I løpet av én helg, ble to forretninger på Oslos vestkant utsatt for innbrudd og frastjålet eksklusive klokker.  Natt til 5. januar i år ble en urmaker på Vinderen i Oslo utsatt for innbrudd. Et døgn senere, natt til 6. januar, slo en tyv til mot en gullsmed på Skøyen. I begge innbruddene var tyven – eller tyvene, på jakt etter eksklusive klokker.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Italy breaks up Chinese crime ring involved in drugs, prostitution

FLORENCE, Italy (Reuters) – Italy ordered the arrest of 33 people on Thursday on suspicion of running a Chinese mafia group involved in gambling, prostitution and drugs, and which dominated the transport of Chinese goods across Europe.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Investigation Highlights Miami’s Role in Turning ‘Dirty Gold’ Into ‘Clean Cash’

A new journalistic investigation reveals the inner workings of Miami’s dirty gold trade, which has helped powerful Latin American crime groups whitewash their criminal profits.

Safety expert reacts to JEWELRY BURGLARIES - stupid to tragic
Burglary Fails: Security Expert reacts to Diamond Robbery