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Risk Prevention & Consulting

Dramatic footage shows a Russian SWAT team burst into a jewellery shop and overpower thieves in a matter of seconds

A SWAT team burst in on three thieves ransacking a jewellery shop, catching them red-handed. CCTV captured the scene as the men began stealing from the Zolotoy jewellery shop in the city of St-Petersburg in north-western Russia.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

New York police are searching for a woman they say tried to rob 4 banks in 1 hour

The New York Police Department is searching for a woman suspected of attempting to rob four banks within 40 minutes on Tuesday.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Oceanside man arrested after Laguna Beach police find $500,000 in jewelry, loaded guns

LAGUNA BEACH   — A 30-year-old man suspected in a burglary in July at the Shops at the Cliffs was arrested Tuesday, Sept. 26, after Laguna Beach detectives found him at an Oceanside home, along with jewelry valued at $500,000.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Juwelenraub: 44-jähriger Angeklagter freigesprochen

Moers. Die Auswärtige Große Strafkammer hat einen 44-Jährigen vom Vorwurf des besonders schweren Raubes freigesprochen. Der Familienvater stand im Verdacht, mit einem Komplizen einen Juwelier in der Moerser Innenstadt überfallen zu haben. 

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Juwelenräuber muss für knapp zehn Jahre hinter Gitter

2006 überfiel Raimondas B. in Buckow einen Juwelier. Jetzt sprach ihn das Gericht wegen schweren Raubes und gefährlicher Körperverletzung schuldig.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Juwelier op Nieuwestad overvallen: omstanders overmeesteren mogelijke dader

Juwelier Remark op de Nieuwestad in Leeuwarden is donderdagmiddag overvallen. Een man bedreigde de juwelier en probeerde sieraden van een onbekende waarde te stelen.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Quatro homens armados e encapuzados assaltam joalharia na Quinta do Lago

Quatro homens encapuzados e armados assaltaram esta manhã uma ourivesaria num centro comercial da Quinta do Lago, empreendimento turístico de luxo no concelho de Loulé, Algarve, levando relógios e artigos de joalharia.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

I carabinieri chiudono il cerchio su quattro rapine

I carabinieri chiudono il cerchio su quattro rapine: scattano gli arresti. „In manette quattro persone ritenute responsabili di quattro assalti armati, fra cui quelli perpetrati la sera del 5 gennaio ai danni del Compro oro di via Sicilia, e i due colpi messi a segno il 23 e 25 gennaio, uno anche a San Vito dei Normanni“


Risk Prevention & Consulting

Via Saragozza, spaccata a gioielleria. Rubati gioielli, pietre, orologi

BOLOGNA – Un bottino da diverse migliaia di euro in gioielli e pietre preziose, ancora da quantificare ma sicuramente molto ricco: è il risultato del colpo portato a segno nella notte tra lunedì e martedì alla gioielleria Le Musolesi di via Saragozza.



Risk Prevention & Consulting

Las gasolineras son los establecimientos preferidos por los atracadores en España

Aunque tradicionalmente los asaltos con violencia han sido delitos asociados a bancos y joyerías, en los últimos años los atracadores y las bandas organizadas han comenzado a fijarse en otro tipo de establecimientos como estaciones de servicio, perfumerías, talleres, bares, restaurantes, supermercados, tiendas de informática y telefonía y tiendas de ropa, según los datos de la Central Receptora de Alarmas (CRA) de Techco Security, compañía líder en el desarrollo de soluciones tecnológicas aplicadas a sistemas electrónicos de seguridad, protección contra incendios y ciberseguridad.

Safety expert reacts to JEWELRY BURGLARIES - stupid to tragic
Burglary Fails: Security Expert reacts to Diamond Robbery