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Risk Prevention & Consulting

Policija: didėja gyventojų pasitikėjimas ir atlyginimai

Lietuvoje auga gyventojų pasitikėjimas policija. Gyventojų apklausos rodo, jog ja pasitiki 75 proc. gyventojų. Klaipėdos apskrityje policija pasitiki 73 proc. Tad jos uždavinys šiemet – siekti Respublikos lygio. Gera žinia šalies policininkams – šiemet nuo liepos 1 d. pirminės grandies pareigūnų atlyginimas turėtų didėti iki 700 eurų, vidurinės – iki 850, vadovaujamos – iki 1 000 eurų.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Rapine in sale slot, supermercati e benzinai del Veneto, banda sgominata: nove arresti

Rapine in sale slot, supermercati e benzinai del Veneto, banda sgominata: nove arresti „L’indagine dei carabinieri, denominata « Gitane slot », ha portato a disarticolare una banda caratterizzata da una struttura ben organizzata che operava in più province venete“


Risk Prevention & Consulting

Foggia, sgominata banda che assaltava furgoni portavalori

La Polizia di Stato ha sventato l´assalto ad un furgone portavalori che sarebbe stato messo in atto sull´autostrada Adriatica A14 nel tratto compreso tra le province di Foggia e Barletta-Andria-Trani. Le indagini erano partite dall´assalto a un furgone portavalori, 

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Ladispoli, scoperta la banda del buco

LADISPOLI – Ladri in trasferta pronti a colpire fuori dai confini regionali. Ma sono stati scoperti e arrestati. 

Risk Prevention & Consulting

*** LA MORTE DEL CARABINIERE DELLA RATTA *** La sentenza della Corte d’Appello conferma quasi tutte le condanne.

La Corte di Appello di Napoli si è pronunciata ed ha emesso la sentenza nell’ambito del procedimento penale scaturito dopo la morte del Carabiniere Tiziano Della Ratta, ucciso durante una rapina nella gioielleria OGM di Maddaloni, avvenuta nell’aprile del 2013.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Rapina gioielleria via Etnea a Catania, arrestato 23enne

Gli agenti della Polizia di Stato hanno arrestato il presunto autore di una rapina messa a segno il 26 ottobre 2015 ai danni di una gioielleria di via Etnea, a Catania.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

€37 Million worth of cannabis seized in Dublin

As part of ongoing joint investigations targeting Organised Crime Groups operating in this jurisdiction, a joint intelligence led Operation was conducted by Revenue’s Customs Service and the Drugs & Organised Crime Bureau supported by officers from the Dublin Metropolitan Region.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Movie-like robbery: Romanian steals EUR 5.2 mln worth of diamonds from Swiss jeweler

A Romanian who allegedly stole EUR 5.2 million worth of diamonds and jewelry from a store in France was arrested last Friday by the Romanian police.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Robbery of security van in Leicester

POLICE officers are appealing for information after a robbery in Elland Road, Leicester. It happened shortly after 5pm on Thursday, January 12, when the driver of a G4S security van was approached by a group of suspects who took sealed packages.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Lithuanian serial robber who exploited open borders to fly into Britain to take part in a raid on the Queen’s jewellers is jailed for 12 years

A Lithuanian who flew into Britain to carry out an armed robbery has been jailed after traces of his blood were matched to crime scenes across Europe.Rimantas Borisovas, 32, led a gang that 

Safety expert reacts to JEWELRY BURGLARIES - stupid to tragic
Burglary Fails: Security Expert reacts to Diamond Robbery