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Risk Prevention & Consulting

Assalto da film in gioielleria: caccia a una banda Sinti FOTO

Arezzo, 18 ottobre 2017 – Assalto alla gioielleria con tanto di sbarramento della strada e fumogeni. Le indagini dei carabinieri vanno avanti in maniera serrata. C’è massimo riserbo sugli sviluppi, ma la sensazione è che ci siano piste concrete. Il cerchio si stringerebbe su un’unica banda, probabilmente sinti che imperversa tra Umbria e Toscana.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Redoine Faïd condamné à 18 ans de prison pour le braquage d’un fourgon blindé

Au procès du braquage d’un fourgon blindé, Redoine Faïd a été condamné ce jeudi à 18 ans de réclusion. Fabrice Hornec est acquitté. Les quatre autre accusés obtiennent 15, 7, 3 et 2 ans de prison.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Paris : un bijoutier volé chez lui par deux faux policiers

Les malfrats ont abordé le commerçant dans la rue et ont exigé une perquisition dans son appartement. Ils l’ont dépouillé de 85.000 €….

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Juwelendieven denken de slag van hun leven te slaan, maar hun voorbereiding laat te wensen over

Vier overvallers dachten dat ze razendsnel en op een goedkope manier hun slag konden slaan in een Maleisische juwelierszaak, maar kwamen van een kale reis terug. De mannen probeerden met sloophamers de glazen vitrines aan diggelen te kloppen om de dure stukken vliegensvlug mee te pikken. Ze hadden er echter niet op gerekend dat juwelier had geïnvesteerd in duur, extra stevig glas, waardoor ze heel wat meer moesten werken dan ze hadden verwacht.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

„Pink Panther“-Prozess Ermittler zweifelt an Mitgliedschaft in der Bande

Köln –Sind die drei Männer, denen vor dem Kölner Landgericht unter scharfen Sicherheitsvorkehrungen der Prozess gemacht wird, tatsächlich so gefährlich, wie die Staatsanwaltschaft annimmt?Sie hält Milan L. (38), Danila D. (36) und Mario V. (41) für Mitglieder der sogenannten „Pink-Panther-Bande“. Folgt man dagegen den Worten des Hauptkommissars, der die Ermittlungsgruppe „Bulgari“ leitete und am Montag als Zeuge aussagte, ist die Zugehörigkeit der Angeklagten zu der international agierenden Gruppierung sehr unwahrscheinlich.


Risk Prevention & Consulting


Uhapšenoj petorki sud u Grasu u Francuskoj odredio je pritvor i policiji naložio da se istraga nastavi kako bi se utvrdili i pronašli svi članovi te dobro organizovane kriminalne mreže. Najverovatnije je reč o delu međunarodne kriminalne grupe “Pink panter” kako saznaje Alo.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Nuovo assalto in gioielleria a Cortona: maxi bottino in via Nazionale

Ancora un maxi furto ai danni della gioielleria di Damiano Parati in via Nazionale, a Cortona. La conta del bottino è in corso, ma si parla di decine di migliaia di euro. Forse potrebbe essere stata superata la soglia dei 100mila euro.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Albanian man arrested in connection with Sliema robbery charged with attempted murder

A 22-year-old Albanian man, Daniel Muka, was arraigned in court charged with the attempted murder of RIU officers. The man was also charged with violently resisting arrest by popice officers, and threatening the officers. He was also charged with possession of cocaine and being in possession of a firearm. He pleaded not guilty to the charges and was remanded in custody.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

London jewellers hire special forces teams to protect shops and staff

Luxury jewellers and watch shops are employing former special forces and retired police officers to help protect their stores and staff from a wave of violent robberies in central London. Mappin & Webb on Regent Street, Watchfinder in Mayfair and Boodles in Chelsea have all been attacked in the past two months by armed gangs using mopeds to swoop in and getaway at speed.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Veneto, assaltavano bancomat con bombe artigianali: 5 arresti

I Carabinieri di Padova hanno sgominato una banda di rapinatori. I cinque, interessati dal provvedimento di custodia cautelare in carcere, sono responsabili a vario titolo di possesso di esplosivi e furto pluriaggravato ….

Safety expert reacts to JEWELRY BURGLARIES - stupid to tragic
Burglary Fails: Security Expert reacts to Diamond Robbery