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Risk Prevention & Consulting

Jaguar Land Rover přišel o motory za 94 milionů korun, ukradli je zloději

V továrně skupiny Jaguar Land Rover v Solihullu řádil zlodějský gang. Odvezl si nové motory za desítky milionů korun.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Lupič hrozil zbraní, mířil prstem! I tak získal šperky za statisíce

Kuriózní loupež se stala v Brně. Lupič tam přišel do zastavárny a na prodavačky namířil svůj prst. Ženy byly sice ukryté za neprůstřelným sklem, ale přesto muži vydaly šperky v hodnotě 400 tisíc korun!

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Surveillance captures brazen Aventura jewelry store robbery

AVENTURA, FLA. (WSVN) – – Owners of a South Florida jewelry store that was targeted by robbers released new surveillance footage of the smash and grab and are voicing their concerns.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Robert Gatward jewellery shop raiders sentenced to more than 30 years imprisonment

A judge has praised the Windsor community after four armed robbers were sentenced to more than 30 years imprisonment between them – thanks to the efforts of a group of have-a-go heroes in King Edward Court.

Risk Prevention & Consulting


Following a series of terrifying armed robberies across Melbourne, Victoria Police and industry groups have rallied to provide continued support to the jewellery trade. One of the latest initiatives was a seminar held in conjunction with Victoria Police, the Jewellers Association of Australia (JAA), the Gemmological Association of Australia (GAA) and the Gold and Silversmiths Guild of Australia (Guild).

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Trio Jailed For Bournemouth And Poole Armed Robberies

Two men and a woman have started jail terms for robbing two female escorts in Bournemouth and Poole – at gun and knifepoint.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Stolen car used in $60,000 Kelowna X-ray heist

KELOWNA – Two $30,000 X-ray machines were stolen from a Kelowna pawn shop after a suspect used a stolen car to ram the front of the store. Shortly after 5 a.m. today, Feb. 6, a commercial alarm notified police of multiple glass breaks at Premier Jewellery and Loans on Bredin Road.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Whirlwind heist: Video shows thieves steal $250G of gold and diamonds in seconds

Surveillance video captured three robbers who apparently stole more than $250,000 in gold and diamonds from a Florida jewelry store in under a minute — as two of the suspects remain on the loose.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Local jewelry heist could be connected to others nationwide

After a jewelry heist that nabbed more than half a million dollars of precious gems, prosecutors say the crime may be linked to others around the country. Wednesday at the Regional Justice Center in Kent, prosecutors said the heist could have been a screenplay. “[The couriers are] facing individuals at least armed with a knife, ski masks, gloves; they jump out of a van like you’d probably see in the movies,” explained Gary Erndorff with the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Braquage éclair dans une bijouterie

Il était 18 h 51, vendredi soir, lorsque deux hommes entièrement vêtus de noir, encagoulés et gantés ont fait irruption dans la bijouterie “Les nouveaux bijoutiers”, située dans la galerie marchande de Géant Casino à Montélimar.

Safety expert reacts to JEWELRY BURGLARIES - stupid to tragic
Burglary Fails: Security Expert reacts to Diamond Robbery